Please note that there are significant delays in obtaining letters of no objection from the Revenue Commissioners for companies that wish to avail of voluntary strike-off due to ‘the large volume of cases at present’. These applications are dealt with by The National Companies Unit and they have acknowledged the backlog and advised that they are monitoring the situation closely. To help reduce the number of incomplete applications, a downloadable checklist is now available on the Revenue website to help applicants provide all required information in their initial application.

You may also be aware that according to the Sunday Business Post, the CRO has suspended its entire enforcement proceedings after more than 1500 companies were incorrectly designated as struck off. Our understanding is that the status of these companies is now back to ‘normal’ and the CRO have in correspondence with these companies, blamed the issue on ‘a series of technical and administrative errors’. We expect the CRO to re-commence its enforcement proceedings in April.

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