Corporation Tax (CT) payment and filing

When is preliminary Corporation Tax (CT) due? Large companies Large companies can pay their preliminary CT in two instalments when their accounting period is longer than seven months. The first instalment is due on the 23rd of the sixth month of the accounting period....

What is Benefit in Kind (BIK)?

A benefit-in-kind (BIK) is any non-cash benefit of monetary value that you provide for your employee. These benefits can also be referred to as notional pay, fringe benefits or perks. The benefits have monetary value, so they must be treated as taxable income. You...

Cycle to Work Scheme

Categories What’s New My Situation Find a Centre Volunteering Facebook You are here:Home>Travel and Recreation>Cycling> Cycle to Work Scheme Cycle to Work Scheme Introduction Rules Further information Introduction The Cycle to Work Scheme (generally...

Travel and subsistence (Part 2)

Civil service rates Civil service motoring and bicycle rates Cars (rate per kilometre) Distance bandEngine capacity up to 1200ccEngine capacity 1201cc – 1500ccEngine capacity 1501cc and overUp to 1,500 km (Band...